5274. (F. D. 0. No. 38529. S. Nos. 1-708/9 M, 1-731M.) INFORMATION FILED : 10-25-55, M. Dist. Ga., against Frank Colley Ware (man- ager of Thornton's Cafe), on Highway U. S. 29, 3 miles from Royston, Ga. CHARGE: Between 5-18-55 and 5-27-55, amphetamine sulfate tablets were dis- pensed 3 times without a prescription. PLEA : Guilty. DISPOSITION : 6-4-56. Sentence of 6 months in prison. 5275. (F. D. C. No. 39362. S. Nos. 52-422/4 M, 52-426 M, 52-581 M, 52-583 M.) INFORMATION FILED : 12-19-56, Dist. N. J., against Station Pharmacy (a partner- ship), Newark, N. J., and Morris Goldstein (partner). CHARGE: Between 4-18-56 and 4-24-56, Dexedrine Sulfate tablets were dis- pensed 3 times and Seconal Sodium capsules were dispensed twice without a prescription, and Dexedrine Sulfate tablets were dispensed once upon request for a prescription refill without authorization by the prescriber. PLEA : Guilty. DISPOSITION: 1-25-57. Partnership fined $300; individual, $600.