5023. Artho-C (Dri-Seal) tablets, BX-B12 (vitamin and mineral) tablets, Nu- Vi-Tal (L-2) tablets, and Toco-E capsules. (F. D. C. No. 38967. S. Nos. 9-191/3 M, 9-195 M.) QUANTITY: 1 drum containing 4,800 tablets, 1 100-tablet box, and 2 200- tablet boxes of Artho-G tablets; 1 drum containing 6,900 tablets, 14 100- tablet boxes, and 40 200-tablet boxes of BX-B12 tablets; 1 drum containing 24,280 tablets, 19 100-tablet boxes, 18 200-tablet boxes, and 81 48-tablet boxes of Nu-Vi-Tal tablets; and 47 100-capsule boxes, 16 200-capsule boxes, and 3 300-eapsule boxes of Toco-E capsules, at Glendale, Calif., in possession of J. G. Alexander, t/a Personal Health Foundation. SHIPPED : Between 6-9-55 and 12-22-55, from Detroit, Mich., and St. Louis, Mo. LABEL IN PART: (Drum) "Dri-Seal * * * E. C. Orange Sodium Salicylate, Sodium Paba & Vitamin C," "V-1 S. C. Vitamins and Minerals," and "L-2 S. C. Methionine, Choline, Inositol w/B-Complex"; (box) "Artho-O Tablets * * * Each tablet contains: Sodium Salicylate 250 mg. (4 gr.) So- dium Para-aminobenzoate 250 mg. (4 gr.) Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) 20 mg. Distributed by Personal Health Foundation Glendale 5, California," "BX-B12 Improved B-Complex Multi-Vitamin-Mineral Tablets Each 3 Tab- lets provide: Vitamin A 6,000 Units * * * Vitamin D 600 Units * * * Vita- min E 0.1 mg. * * * Vitamin Bl 1.0 mg. * * * Vitamin B2 2.0 mg. * * * Vitamin B6 0.1 mg. * * * Vitamin B12 0.1 meg. * * * Calcium Pantothen- ate 1.2 mg. * * * Niacinamide 15 mg. * * * Folic Acid 0.067 mg. * * * Vita- min C 37.5 mg. * * * Calcium 300 mg. * * * Phosphorus 200 mg. * * * Iron 65 mg. * * * Fluorine 0.1 mg. * * * Magnesium 15 mg. * * * Molyb- denum 0.1 mg. * * * Copper 1.5 mg. * * * Manganese 3.0 mg. * * * Zinc 3.0 mg. * * * Cobalt 0.3 mg. * * * Iodine 0.15 mg. * * * As a dietary sup- plement," "New Improved Nu-Vi-Tal Capsule-Tabs A Special Dietary Sup- plement Each 3 tablets contain: Choline Bitartrate 250 mg. * * * dl, Methi- onine 150 mg. * * * Inositol 100 mg. * * * Niacinamide 15 mg. * * * Vita- min Bl 1.5 mg. * * * Vitamin B2 1.0 mg. * * * Vitamin B6 0.1 mg. * * * d, Calcium Pantothenate 2.0 mg. * * * B-Cotrate (Special yeast cone. 1:7) 100 mg. * * * Liver Powder (Desiccated) 100 mg.," and "New Improved Toco- B Capsules A concentrated source of Vitamin B as derived from natural sources (mixed tocopherols). Each capsule contains: dl, alpha toeopheryl acetate 30 mg." ACCOMPANYING LABELING: Pamphlets entitled "Personal Health Foundation Price List" and form letters designated "Good News About Amazing Mag- nesium-Also Help for 'Nerves' and Sex Problems." RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION : The drugs were shipped in interstate commerce in bulk, and, upon their receipt, the consignee repacked a portion of the Dri-Seal tablets into boxes labeled, in part, "Artho-C Tablets"; a portion of the vita- min and mineral tablets into boxes labeled, in part, "BX-12"; and a portion of the L-2 tablets into boxes labeled, in part, "Nu-Vi-Tal." The Toco-E capsules had been repackaged from a lot of capsules which contained d-alpha-tocopheryl acetate. The accompanying labeling was printed locally for the consignee's use in promoting the sale of the drugs. LIBELED : 2-27-56, S. Dist. Calif. CHARGE: 502 (a)-the labeling of the articles, while held for sale, contained false and misleading representations that the Artho-G {Dri-Seal) tablets were an adequate and effective treatment for arthritis, rheumatism, bursitis, and neuritis; that the BX-B12 {vitamin and mineral) tablets were effective to insure vibrant health, were an effective tonic, would rejuvenate the red blood cells, would restore strength and. give vitality and buoyant energy, were an adequate and effective treatment for nervousness, irritability, tired- ness, rheumatic conditions, digestive disturbances, backache, distress over heart and stomach, premature graying, dry hair and scalp, neuritis, leg cramps, headache, dizziness, and mental depression, were effective in preventing colds, were effective in the prevention or treatment of sterility in males, would pre- vent weakness, restlessness, and pains in muscles and joints, would prevent pyorrhea, bleeding gums, tooth decay, loosened teeth, influenza, kidney stones, pale appearance, coughs, and colds, and were effective in the treatment of muscular weakness, nighttime restlessness, uneasy, indisposed feeling, stiff, painful back, and rheumatic pains; that the Nu-Vi-Tal {L-2) tablets were effective to fight advancing age and old age, would assure greater energy, vitality, and vigorous health for men and women over forty, would prevent hardening of the arteries and heart disease, were effective in the treatment of pain and numbness in the legs or arms, cramps, backache, weakened eye- sight, deafness, headaches, dizziness, nervousness, sleeplessness, indigestion, fatigue, and mental depression, and would increase the life span and assure _ active zestful living; and that the Toco-E capsules were effective in the pre- vention and treatment of sterility in males and were effective to insure virility In males. DISPOSITION : 3-28-56. Default-destruction,