FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION NOTICES OF JUDGMENT UNDER THE FEDERAL FOOD, DRUG, AND COSMETIC ACT .[.Given pursuant to section 705 of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act] 4281-4300 DRUGS AND DEVICES The .cases reported herewith were instituted in the United States district -courts J>y the United States attorneys, acting upon reports submitted by the .Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, and include, where indicated, .the results of investigations by the Department, prior to the institution of the proceedings. Published by direction of the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. GEO. P. LARBICK, Commissioner of Food and Drugs. WASHINGTON, D. C, February 11, 1955. CONTENTS Page "Violative sales of prescription drugs 270 Drug actionable because of failure to bear adequate directions or warning statements 274 JDrugs actionable because of devia- tion from official or own stand- ards 275 Page Drugs and devices actionable be- - cause of false and misleading claims 277 Index 279 328427-55 269 VIOLATIVE SALES OF PRESCRIPTION DRUGS \4281. Misbranding of dextroamphetamine sulfate tablets and methyltestoste- '\ .\?s, rone tablets. U.-S. v. Frank L. Quinn (Quinn Pharmacy), and Byron F. ^^V'-JRpwe. Pleas of guilty. Fine of $2,000 against Defendant Quinn and $300 a^aimstN Defendant Rowe. Each defendant placed on probation for 3 yea\s>V\('F. D. C. No. 35180. Sample Nos. 13261-L, 13263-L, 14701-L.) INFORMATION FILED : October 27, 1953, District of Colorado, against Frank L. Quinn, trading as Quinn Pharmacy, Denver, Colo., and Byron F. Rowe, pharmacist. NATURE OF CHARGE : On or about March 22 and 29 and April 8, 1953, while a number of dextroamphetamine sulfate tablets and methyltestosterone tablet* were being held for sale at the Quinn Pharmacy, after shipment in interstate- commerce, various quantities of such drugs were dispensed upon requests for refills of written prescriptions therefor, without obtaining authorization from the prescriber. Defendant Quinn was charged with causing the dispensing of dextro-amphetamine sulfate tablets on March 29 and the dispensing of methyltestosterone tablets on April 8. Defendant Rowe was charged with causing the dispensing of dextro-amphetamine sulfate tablets on March 22. Such acts of dispensing were contrary to the provisions of Section 503 (b) (1) h and resulted in the dispensed drugs being misbranded while held for sale. DISPOSITION : January 13,1954. The defendants having entered pleas of guilty, the court fined Defendant Quinn $2,000 and Defendant Rowe $300 and placed, each defendant on probation for 3 years.