4108. Misbranding of pentobarbital sodium capsules. U. S. v. Oneida Medical Center Pharmacy, Inc. Plea of nolo contendere. Fine, $200. (F. D. C. No. 34312. Sample No. 55278-L.) INFORMATION FILED : April 3, 1953, Northern District' of New Tork, against Oneida Medical Center Pharmacy, Inc., Oneida, N. Y. NATURE OF CHARGE : On or about September 11,1952, while a number of pento- barbital sodium capsules were being held for sale at the Oneida Medical Center Pharmacy, Inc., after shipment in interstate commerce, the defendant caused a number of the capsules to be dispensed without a prescription from a prac- titioner licensed by law to administer the drug. This act of dispensing was contrary to Section 503 (b) (1), and resulted in the drug so dispensed being misbranded while held for sale. DISPOSITION: June 3, 1953. The defendant having entered a plea of nolo contendere, the court fined it $200.