4091. Adulteration and misbranding of tablets containing a mixture of mannitol hexanitrate and phenobarbital. U. S. v. Linn C. Williams (Banner Lab- oratories). Plea of guilty. Fine, $500. (F. D. C. No. 33789. Sample No. 17320-L.) INFORMATION FILED: June 19, 1953, Southern District of California against Linn C. Williams, trading as the Banner Laboratories, South Pasadena, Calif. ALLEGED VIOLATION: On or about September 5, 1951, the defendant caused to be given to a firm engaged in the business of shipping drugs in interstate com- merce a guaranty to the effect that no drug delivered by the defendant under the guaranty would be adulterated or misbranded. On or about January 25, 1952, the defendant caused to be delivered to the holder of the guaranty, at Los Angeles, Calif., a number of tablets containing a mixture of mannitol hexanitrate and phenobarbital which were adulterated and misbranded. NATURE OF CHARGE: Adulteration, Section 501 (c), the strength of the tablets differed from that which they were represented to possess since each tablet was represented to contain y2 grain of mannitol hexanitrate and each tablet contained less than that amount of mannitol hexanitrate. Misbranding, Section 502 (a), the label statement "Each tablet contains mannitol hexanitrate ? grain" was false and misleading. DISPOSITION : July 6,1953. The defendant having entered a plea of guilty, the court fined him $500.