4000. Misbranding of solution of citrate of magnesia. U. S. v. 7 Cases *. * *. (F. D. C. No. 34644. Sample No. 26241-L.) LIBEL FILED : February 3,1953, District of Delaware. ALLEGED SHIPMENT : On or about November 17, 1952, by the Integrity Magnesia Co., from Philadelphia, Pa. PRODUCT : 7 cases, each containing 24 11 ? -ounce bottles, of solution of citrate of magnesia at Wilmington, Del. LABEL, IN PAKT: (Bottle) "Blue Cross Brand * * * Effervescing Solution of Citrate of Magnesia U. S. P." NATUKETOF CHARGE: Misbranding, Section 502 (g), the article purported to be and was represented as "Magnesium Citrate Solution," a drug the name of ?which is recognized in the United States Pharmacopeia, an official compendium, and the article was not labeled as prescribed in such compendium since it contained benzoic acid, a preservative, and the presence and proportion of such preservative was not plainly stated on the label, as required by the com- pendium. DISPOSITION : February 24, 1953. A default decree was entered providing for the delivery of the product to a local hospital. INDEX TO NOTICES OF JUDGMENT D. D. N. J. NOS. 3981 TO 4000 PRODUCTS N. J. No. Adhesive strips 3996 Alcohol, isopropyl, rubbing com- pound 3995 Amphetamine, dextro-, sulfate tablets 3983 Androgenic substances 3983 Arthritis, remedy for. See Rheumatism, remedy for. Cellaids 3986 Citrate of magnesia, solution of_ 4000 Color-Therm device 3990, 3991 Colusa ointment ? 3989 Conjugated estrogens (equine) tablets 3983 Devices 3982, 3990-3992 Dextroamphetamine sulfate tablets 3983 Diethylstilbestrol tablets? 3983 Estrogenic substances 3983 Estrogens (equine), conjugated, tablets 3983 First aid kits 3985, 3999 Gallusin 3987 Gout, remedy for. See Rheuma- tism, remedy for. Hemorrhoids, remedy for 3989 Herb tea, Sanitas 3988 Ioaquasol tablets 3997 Isopropyl alcohol rubbing com- pound 3995 Kloronol 3987 N.?J. No. Laxatives without required warn- ing statements ?3988 Magnesia, citrate of, solution??4000 Mam-Zelle syringe and Mam- Zelle tablets ?3982 Methyltestosterone tablets??3983 Mineral water ?3998 Neuralgia, remedy for. See Rheumatism, remedy for. Neuritis, remedy for. See Rheu- matism, remedy for. Nokof tablets ?3997 Noodor tablets ?3997 Ointment, Colusa ?3989 Panbile tablets ?3997 Panrein tablets ?3997 Rheumatism, remedy for- (device) ?3991 (drug) ?3998 Sanitas herb tea ?_?3988 Sulfadiazine tablets ?3985 Sulfathiazole tablets ?3984 Sulfonamides Triplex tablets??3984 Suppositories, vaginal ?3981 Thiekla ?3997 Ultrasonic device ?3992 Vaginal suppositories ?3981 Vitamin preparations?- 3993, 3994 Water, mineral ?3998 Women's disorders, remedy for__?3981