3986. Misbranding of Cellaids. U. S. v. 100 Packages, etc. (F. D. O. No. 34157. Sample Nos. 40669-L, 41251-L to 41253-L, incl., 41255-L to 41257-L, incl., 41259-L to 41262-L, incl., 41264-L.) LIBEL FILED : On or about December 2, 1952, Western District of Washington. ALLEGED SHIPMENT: On various dates between March 1 and September 1, 1952, by George Oollingwood, from Denver, Colo., and Long Beach, Calif. PRODUCT: 100 packages of assorted drugs at Seattle, Wash. These drugs were designated generally as Cellaids and consisted of individual items labeled as described below. The drugs were accompanied by labeling consisting of leaflets ?entitled "Bio-Chemistry" and "A Few Facts Worth Knowing" and books entitled "The Study of Bio-Chemistry Fourth Edition by George Colling- wood, D. C, N. D., B. C. D. Denver, Colorado" and "Bio-Chemistry or the Business of Living * * * by George H. Collingwood, B. C, N. D., D. C. * * * Denver, Colorado." LABEL, IN PART; (Packages) "Cellaids * * * George Collingwood, D. C, N. D. Denver"; (individual items) "Homeopathic Product Potassium Phos- phate * * * No. 6," "Calcium Fluoride * * * No. 1 * * * 12-X," [or "Calcium Phosphate * * * No. 2 * * * 6-X," "Calcium Sul- phate * * * No. 3 * * * 6-X," "Potassium Chloride No. 5 * * * 6-X," "Potassium Sulphate * * * No/7 * * * 6-X," "Sodium Chlo- ride * * * No. 9 * * * 6-X," "Sodium Phosphate * * * No. 10 * * ? * 6-X," "Sodium Sulphate * * * ' No. 11 * * * 6-X," "Silicea Silica No. 12 * * * 12-X"] * * * Homeopathic Product" and "Bio- plasma Ratio of 9 to 1 6-X * * * Combination of the following twelve minerals homeopathically prepared * * * Equal parts ?f each: Calcium Phosphate Potassium Chlorid Calcium Fluorid Potassium Phosphate Cal- cium Sulfate Potassium Sulfate Iron Phosphate Sodium Chlorid Mag- nesium Phosphate Sodium Phosphate Silica Sodium Sulfate (Added 50 units Vitamin Bi to each tablet)." NATURE OF CHARGE: Misbranding, Section 502 (a), certain statements in the above-mentioned leaflets and books accompanying the articles were false and misleading since the articles were not an adequate and effective preventive and treatment for the conditions and purposes stated and implied and were not capable of fulfilling the promises of benefit made for them. The state- ments represented and suggested: That the calcium fluoride was an adequate and effective treatment for soft flabby muscles, broken-down elastic fiber, enlarged heart, heart leakage, float- ing kidney, rupture, appendicitis, varicose veins, tumors, hardening of the arteries, hard knots on the mother's breast, hard tumors, high blood pressure, abscess, asthma, tired back, inability of the uterus to expel the fetus, corns, bunions, all hard and soft swellings, cough, diphtheria, gout, hard or soft glands, piles, pus, syphilis, diseased spine, vein enlargements, paralysis, and bladder and kidney stones; That the calcium phosphate was an adequate and effective treatment for all chronic conditions of the human body, Bright's disease, consumption or TB, catarrh, anemia, asthma, brittleness of the bones, brainfag, scanty and salty milk, cancer, cataract, cholera infantum, weakness before and after childbirth, chronic diseases of all kinds, weariness, night sweats, epilepsy,, gallstones, heart disease, paralysis, rheumatism, rickets, St. Vitus' dance,. decayed teeth, toothache, typhoid, ulcers, whooping cough, yellow fever, and male and female disorders; That the calcium sulfate was an adequate and effective treatment for cleans- ing the body, boils, carbuncles, abscesses, pimples, all pus conditions of the surface, inflamed bladder, pus in the urine, burns, colds, chickenpox, consump- tion, gonorrhea, gumboil, weakness of the liver and sickness of the stomach, sore throat, syphilis, ulcerated teeth, tonsillitis, ulcers that are not deep- seated, tubercular ulcers of the lungs, rheumatism, and cramps; That the potassium chloride was an adequate and effective treatment for tonsillitis, scarlet fever, smallpox, measles, chickenpox, scalds, swollen conditions, chronic diseases in growing children, abscess, chilblains,. Bright's- disease, bronchitis, catarrh, croup, diabetes, epilepsy, diptheria, any swollen gland, mumps, goiter, gonorrhea, injuries, bruises, cuts, burns, pains in the- liver, meningitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, shingles, syphilis, whooping cough,, yellow fever, and common sore throat; That the potassium phosph-ate was an adequate and effective treatment: for deficient brain power, nervousness, lack of energy, paralysis, palpitation: of the heart, sleeplessness, insanity, abscess, anemia, asthma, blood poisoning of all types where there is gangrene, Bright's disease, depression, irritability,, brainfag, diphtheria, dizziness, epilepsy, fever, sluggish pulse, irregular palpita- tions, sinking spells, hemorrhage, hoarseness, hysteria, bronchitis, loss of voice, sciatica, sleeplessness, spasms due to fright, spinal weakness caused: by disease, syphilis, chancre, typhoid, wasting conditions, and whooping cough; That the potassium sulfate was an adequate and effective preventive and. treatment for clogging of the pores, hot, dry, and feverish condition, abscess, bronchitis, cancer, chickenpox, colds, colic, consumption, erysipelas, gonorrhea,, gleet, hoarseness, influenza, measles, pneumonia, scarlet fever, all skin diseases,, smallpox, indigestion, syphilis, yellow fever, and to tone up the nerves; That the sodium chloride was an adequate and effective treatment for dropsy, languidness, drowsiness, tearfulness, sadness, chilliness, hay fever, sunstroke, fresh colds, sneezing, anemia, green sickness, atrophy, bed-wetting,, bites or insect stings, excessive urination, dry or watery constipation, brain and mental conditions, blues, wandering of the mind, stupor, sleepiness, melan- choly, hopelessness, dejected spirits, gloomy thoughts, weariness, exhaustion, cancer, tumors, catarrh, chickenpox, colds, consumption, delirium, dropsy,, fevers, gonorrhea, hay fever, hiccup, lockjaw, lumbago, bronchitis, mumps, stiff neck, shingles, indigestion, sunstroke, sweats, vomiting, and whooping cough; That the sodium phosphate was an adequate and effective preventive and treatment for jaundice, colic, bilious headache, gout, acute and chronic rheu- matism, acid conditions, backache, cancer on the tongue, colic, cholera infantum, diabetes, diarrhea, dizziness, epilepsy, erysipelas, fevers, goiter, rheumatism, worms of any kind, pains, discharges, profuse and sour-smelling perspiration, and a coated tongue; That the sodium sulfate was an adequate and effective treatment for cholera, chills, fever and ague, la grippe, jaundice condition, yellow eyeballs, abscess, asthma, backache, bronchitis, catarrh, colic, consumption, diabetes, diarrhea, diphtheria, dizziness, erysipelas, flu or la grippe, jaundice, ringworm, typhoid, and yellow fever; That the silica was an adequate and effective treatment for the removal of pus and waste accumulations, to ripen boils, abscesses, and carbuncles, and for anemia, asthma, organs of the body that are shrunken or wasting away, brain worry, consumption, .constipation, felons, foul breath, locomotor ataxia, syphilis, and ulcers, and to prevent disease. Further misbranding, Section 502 (a), the following statements in the leaf- lets and books accompanying the Bio-plasma were false and misleading since this article was not capable of fulfilling the promises of benefit made for it: "covers every known disease found in the human organism," "aids in purify- ing the blood and supplying the elements of which the cells, tissue, bone and nerve are composed," "When the body is in a run-down condition," "Proper minerals as listed in this pamphlet in their proper heads, and for the specific symptoms, either alone, or in combination with proper foods, can overcome nearly all bodily ailments," and "Bio-Plasma * * * containing all 12 min- erals * * * Bio-Plasma Plain, containing all 12 minerals." Further mis- branding, Section 502 (a), the statement on the package label, "A general tonic" was false and misleading since the article did not possess tonic properties. Further misbranding, Section 502 (f) (1), the labeling of the following articles failed to bear adequate directions for use for the following conditions and purposes for which they were offered in a lecture given by George Collin g- wood at Seattle, Wash., on October 11, 1952: Calcium fluoride-for enlarged heart; calcium phosphate-to build albumin; calcium sulfate-to build con- nective tissue of the bone, to hold together holes in bones; potassium chloride- for appendicitis, floating kidney; to build tissue; to control all swollen condi- tions, wounds, and injuries; potassium phosphate-to give one thinking power; to create gray matter in the nerve ends and the brain; potassium sulfate-to create oils in the body; open the pores of the skin; enable the skin to breathe; and for fever; sodium chloride-to attract water in order to bathe the cells throughout the body; sodium phosphate-to balance and control acids in the body; sodium sulfate-to control the bile and pancreas for the treatment of flu or virus X and coryza; to take care of the liver and keep it in line, and in conditions where there is yellow in the eyeballs, yellow jaundice, yellow fever, or any yellow conditions; for fever, ague, and shaking; and silicea sil- ica-to build the skin; for cysts, carbuncles, and boils. The products were misbranded under Section 502 (a), as described abovei when introduced into and while in interstate commerce, and they were further misbranded under Section 502 (f) (1), as described above, while held for sale after shipment in interstate commerce. DISPOSITION: April 3, 1953. Default decree of condemnation and destruction.