3631. Adulteration and misbranding of uterine capsules. U. S. v. 23 Cartons, etc. (F. D. C. No. 31904. Sample Nos. 20846-L, 20847-L.) LIBEL FILED : October 17,1951, Northern District of Alabama. ALLEGED SHIPMENT: On or about April 3, May 9, and June 11, 1951, by the Globe Laboratories, from Fort Worth, Tex. PRODUCT: Uterine capsules. 23 cartons, each containing 3 capsules, and 13 cartons, each containing 12 capsules, at Birmingham, Ala. Analysis showed that the product contained approximately 10 percent of the declared amount of eodium perborate. LABEL, IN PART : "Globe Uterine Capsules Active Ingredients 100? : Sodium Perborate 39?." NATURE OF CHARGE: Adulteration, Section 501 (c), the strength of the article differed from that which it purported or was represented to possess, namely, 39 percent sodium perborate. Misbranding, Section 502 (a), the label statement "Sodium Perborate 39?" was false and misleading as applied to this article, which contained less than 39 percent sodium perborate. DISPOSITION: November 21, 1951. Default decree of condemnation and de- struction.