3428. Misbranding of Sal-Trag Compound. U. S. v. 12 Cases * * *. (F. D. C. No. 25267. Sample No. 31621-K.) LIBEL FILED : August 11, 1948, Southern District of California. ALLEGED SHIPMENT : On or about June 15, 1948, by Research Laboratories, Inc., from Portland, Oreg. PRODUCT: 12 cases, each containing 12 1-pint bottles, of Sal-Trag Compound at Los Angeles, Calif. LABEL, IN PAET: "Sal-Trag Compound Active Ingredients. An Aqueous Ex- traction Of The Following Botanicals: Plume Thistle * * * Burdock * * * Sage * * * Kola * * * Dandelion * * * Horehound * * * Calamus * * * Althea * * * Quassia * * * Cinnamon * * * Gin- seng * * * Sodium Benzoate. Cascara Sagrada and Licorice Added." NATURE OF. CHARGE : Misbranding, Section 502 (f) (1), the labeling of the article failed to bear adequate directions for use since the only directions appearing in the labeling, namely, "Two teaspoonfuls before each meal and four teaspoonfuls before retiring at night or as directed," were inadequate in that such directions failed to reveal the diseases or conditions of the body for which the article, when used as directed, would be effective. DISPOSITION : February 7, 1951. Research Laboratories, Inc., having appeared as claimant, and the case having been removed to the Northern District of Illinois and the claimant having subsequently consented to the entry of a decree, judgment of condemnation was entered and the court ordered that the product be destroyed. DRUGS FOR VETERINARY USE