3249. Misbranding of Beatsol Rectifiers. U. S. v. 20 Packages * * *. (F. D. C. No. 29396. Sample No. 73363-K.) LIBEL FILED : July 13,1950, Southern District of New York. ALLEGED SHIPMENT : On or about May 22, 1950, by G. & W. Laboratories, from Jersey City, N. J. PRODUCT : 20 24-tablet packages of Beatsol Rectifiers at New York, N. Y. LABEL, IN PART: (Package) "Contains 24 Tablets Beatsol Rectifiers For Both Sexes Formula Phosphorus-Ext.- Nux Vomica ? gr. (Strychnine ?6 gr.)-Ext. Damiana." NATURE OF CHARGE: Misbranding, Section 502 (a), certain statements on the label of the article were false and misleading since they suggested and implied that the article was an effective treatment for lost vitality, impotency, ex- , haustion, nervousness, and weakness in both sexes, whereas the article was v not an effective treatment for such conditions; and, Section 502 (f) (2), the labeling of the article failed to bear such adequate warnings as are necessary for the protection of users since its labeling failed to warn that because of the strychnine ingredient more than the recommended dosage should not be taken and its use by elderly persons may be dangerous. DISPOSITION : August 2, 1950. Default decree of condemnation. The court ordered that the product be delivered to the Food and Drug Administration. DRUG ACTIONABLE BECAUSE OF CONTAMINATION WITH FILTH