FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION ^_ P.i.s... 0 ? ? - NOTICES OF JUDGMENT UNDER THE FEDERAL FOOD, DRUG, AND COSMETIC ACT [Given pursuant to section 705 of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act] 3201-3220 DRUGS AND DEVICES The cases reported herewith were instituted in the United States district courts by the United States attorneys, acting upon reports submitted by the Fed- eral Security Agency, and include, where indicated, the results of investigations of the Agency, prior to the institution of the proceedings. Published by direc- tion of the Federal Security Administrator. PAUL B. DUNBAR, Commissioner of Food and Drugs. WASHINGTON, D. C, January 2, 1951 CONTENTS * Page Drugs actionable because of poten- tial danger when used accord- ing to directions 188 Drugs actionable because of failure to bear adequate directions or warning statements 190 Drugs and devices actionable be- cause of deviation from official or own standards 195 Page Drugs and devices actionable be- cause of false and misleading claims 196 Drugs for human use 196 Drugs for veterinary use 201 Index . 203 ?For presence of a habit-forming narcotic without warning statement, see Nos. 3202, 3204-3206; omission of, or unsatisfactory, ingredients statements, Nos. 3202, 3203, 3207, 3211, 3213, 3219 ; failure to bear a label containing an accurate statement of the quantity of the contents, Nos. 3202-3207; failure to bear a label containing the name and place of business of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor, Nos. 3202, 3204-3207; cosmetic, actionable under the drug provisions of the Act, No. 3215. 187 917959-51- DRUGS