3090. Adulteration and misbranding of Sterilastic Dressing Bandage. U. S. v. 168 Packages * * *. (F. D. C. No. 28675. Sample No. 30240-K.) LIBEL FILED : January 5,1950, District of Massachusetts. ALLEGED SHIPMENT : On or about November 25, 1949, from Los Angeles, Calif. This was a return shipment. PRODUCT: 168 packages of Sterilastic Dressing Bandage at Boston, Mass. LABEL, IN PART: "Size 2" x 60" * * * Sterilastic Dressing Bandage * * * Manufactured Only By Surgical Dressings, Inc., Boston, Mass." NATURE OF CHARGE: Adulteration, Section 501 (c), the purity and quality of the article fell below that which it purported and was represented to possess;. Misbranding, Section 502 (a), the label statements "Sterilastic First AidW Bandage * * * Surgical Dressing * * * The gauze supplied with Sterilastic may be used in an emergency" were false and misleading as applied to an article which was not sterile. DISPOSITION : February 27, 1950. Default decree of condemnation and destruc- tion.