^3079. Misbranding of Dr. Martin's Sulfa Du. U. S. v. 12 Bottles, etc. (F. D. C. No. 28507. Sample No. 58631-K.) LIBEL FILED : January 16,1950, District of Utah. ALLEGED SHIPMENT: On or about October 25, 1949, by the California Poultry Supply Co., from Los Angeles, Calif. PRODUCT : 12 1-gallon bottles and 25 l-quart bottles of Dr. Mai-tin's Sulfa Du at Salt Lake City, Utah, together with a booklet entitled "The Sulfa Story," a circular entitled "Does Chick Mortality cast a shadow over your Poultry Profits?" and a leaflet entitled "Is Your Head Swimming Too?" LABEL, IN PART : "Dr. Martin's Sulfa Du * * * Sulfathiazole in soluble acid form, 22.2 gr. per fl. oz." NATURE or CHARGE: Misbranding, Section 502 (a), certain statements in the labeling of the article were false and misleading. These statements repre- sented and suggested that the article was effective in preventing and treating the disease condition of poultry known as infectious coryza; that the article would establish and maintain therapeutically effective sulfonamide blood levels in poultry; that it would stimulate food and water consumption and aid normal digestion; and that it was superior to adequate doses of sul- fonamides in other forms. The article was not effective for the purposes, and was not capable of fulfilling the promises of benefit, stated and implied. DISPOSITION: February 24, 1950. Default decree of condemnation and /destruction. ?30!