2970. Misbranding of Rex Wheat Germ Oil. U. S. v. VioBin Corp. Plea of nolo contendere. Fine, $1,000. (F. D. C. No. 25608. Sample Nos. 83115-H, 15069-K,24748-K.) INFORMATION FILED : April 11, 1949, Eastern District of Illinois, against the VioBin Corp., Monticello, 111. ALLEGED SHIPMENT: On or about February 26, 1947, and May 10, 1948, from the State of Illinois into the States of Ohio, Wisconsin, and Michigan. LABEL, IN PART: "Rex Wheat Germ Oil A cold processed, biologically tested, stable wheat germ oil." NATURE OF CHARGE: Misbranding, Section 502 (a), certain statements in the labeling of the article, which included accompanying circulars entitled "The Record of Rex Wheat Germ Oil," "Record "Wheat Germ Oil," "Rex Wheat Germ Oil," and "Bulletin No. 6 Breeding and Maintenance of Dogs," and a letter addressed to "Dear Friend," were false and misleading. The statements represented and suggested that the article would be effective as an aid in the cure, mitigation, treatment, and prevention of breeding difficulties in cattle, swine, horses, sheep, rabbits, dogs, fox, and mink; that the article would be effective in the treatment and prevention of sterility in livestock; that it would be effective as an aid in the prevention of abortion in livestock; that it would be effective as an aid in the treatment and prevention of Bang's disease in livestock; and that it would be effective in the cure, mitigation, treatment, and prevention of skin diseases in dogs. The article would not be effective for the purposes represented. The article was alleged also to be misbranded under the provisions of the law applicable to foods, as reported in notices of judgment on foods. DISPOSITION : November 17, 1949. A plea of nolo contendere having been en- tered, the court imposed a fine of $1,000. INDEX TO NOTICES OF JUDGMENT D. D. N. J. NOS. 2951 TO 2970 PRODUCTS N. J. No. A P O Compound Pink Tablets?'2961 Arthritis, remedy for?- 2 2963 Ascorbodium 2951 Black Diamond Liniment, Whit- mer's 2965 Perfection Salve 2969 Calcium gluconate C T tablets- 12961 Dental device, Ko-rekT-? 2967 Devices 2966-2968 Ephedrine with phenobarbital tablets 12961 Estrogenic substances?? 2962 Eureka, Whitmer's 2965 Ferrous sulfate tables 12961 Gynestrin estrogenic hormones- 2962 Healthomatic devices 2968 Inhalers, Miracle 2966 Injection preparations. See Par- enteral drugs. Ko-rekT (dental device)? 2967 Meta Androgen and Meta Lucy- ton. 2951 Miracle Oil and Miracle In- halers 2966 Nembutal capsules? 2953-2958 Niacinamide tablets *2961 Nue-Ovo 2 2963 N. J. No. Obenoids 2962 Ointments 2959, 2969 Orange Blossom Suppositories?2952 peel 2960 Parenteral drugs ^?2962 Phenobarbital tablets *2961 Quinine sulfate tablets 12961 Red Carminative, Whitmer's? 2965 Remin's Brewers' Hydrolyzed Yeast Powder, Remin's Multi- Vitamin A-B-C-D Drops, Remin's Brewers' Hydrolyzed Yeast and Whey Powder, and Remin's (Powdered) Hydro- lyzed Brewers' Yeast Vege- tables and Whey 2964 Rex Wheat Germ Oil 2970 Rheumatism, remedy for 2 2963 Seconal sodium capsules?2953-2957 Soda mint tablets * 2961 Speedway Cough and Distemper Remedy, Speedway Absorb- ent Liniment, Speedway Con- dition Powder, and Speedway Hoof Tonic 2969 Sulfathiazole tablets 12961 Suppositories, Orange Blossbm__ 2952 1?(2961) Injunction contested. Contains findings of fact, discussion, and conclusion of law. 2?(2963) Seizure contested. Contains opinion of the court.