2954. Misbranding of Seconal sodium capsules, nembutal capsules, and Tuinal capsules. U. S. v. Alvin A. Bredemeyer (Madison Place Pharmacy). Plea of guilty. Fine, $700. (F. D. O. No. 26720. Sample Nos. 19669-K, 19693-K, 19700-K, 43836-K. 43844-K to 43846-K, incl.) INFORMATION FILED : August 25, 1949, Southern District of Ohio, against Alvin A. Bredemeyer, trading as the Madison Place Pharmacy, Cincinnati, Ohio. INTERSTATE SHIPMENT : On or about May 13, 1947, from North Chicago, 111., to Cincinnati, Ohio, of a quantity of nembutal capsules, and between the ap- proximate dates of August 8,1947, and September 29, 1948, from Indianapolis, Ind., into Cincinnati, Ohio, of quantities of Seconal sodium capsules and Tuinal capsules. ALLEGED VIOLATION : On or about October 18 and 19 and November 8, 18, 26, 29, and 30, 1948, while a number of the capsules were being held for sale after shipment in interstate commerce, the defendant caused a number of capsules of the drugs to be removed from the bottles in which they had been shipped and to be repacked and sold to various persons without a prescription, which acts of the defendant resulted in the capsules being misbranded. When the drugs were shipped in interstate commerce, they bore on their labels the pre- scription legend prescribed by the regulations. NATURE OF CHARGE: Misbranding, Section 502 (b) (2), the repackaged capsules bore no labels containing statements of the quantity of the contents. Further misbranding, Section 502 (d), the repackaged capsules contained chemical derivatives of barbituric acid, which derivatives had been by the Administrator of the Federal Security Agency, found to be, and by regulations designated as habit forming; and the labels of the repackaged capsules failed to bear the names and quantities or proportions of such derivatives and in juxtaposition therewith the statement "Warning-May be habit forming." Further mis- branding, Section 502 (e) (1), the labels of the repackaged Seconal sodium capsules and nembutal capsules failed to bear the common or usual names of the drugs, namely, "Seconal sodium" and "pentobarbital sodium"; Section 502 (e) (2), the label of the repackaged Tuinal capsules failed to bear the common or usual names of each active ingredient, namely, "Seconal sodium" and "amytal sodium"; and, Section 502 (f) (1), the directions for use, namely, {Seconal sodium capsules and nembutal capsules) "One (1) capsule at bedtime as directed" and (Tuinal) "As directed," borne on the labeling of the repack- aged capsules of drugs, were not adequate directions for use. DISPOSITION : October 5, 1949. A plea of guilty having been entered, the court imposed a fine of $700.