2647. Misbranding of Special Hog Mineral with Yeast, Special Yeast Minerals Dairy Feeds, Worm-O, and Ironated Hog Liquid. U. S. v. Black Hawk Chemical Co, Inc., and William H. Murphy. Pleas of guilty. Fines, $600 against corporation and $20 against individual. (F. D. C. No. 25580. Sample Nos. 24099-K, 24100-K, 24749-K, 25501-K.) INFORMATION FILED : January 12, 1949, Northern District of Iowa, against the Black Hawk Chemical Co., Inc., Cedar Falls, Iowa, and William H. Murphy, president. ALLEGED SHIPMENT: On or about March 17 and April 3, 1948, from the State of Iowa into the States of Wisconsin and Minnesota. PRODUCT: Analyses disclosed that the Special Hog Mineral with Yeast con- tained 17.75 percent calcium, 2.45 percent phosphorus, .019 percent iodine, 5.95 percent sodium chloride, and 4,000 parts per million of fluorine; that the Special Yeast Minerals Dairy Feeds contained 18.61 percent calcium, 2.71 percent phosphorus, .018 percent iodine, 5.95 percent sodium chloride, and 4,000 parts per million of fluorine; that the Ironated Hog Liquid contained .016 g/100 ml. of iron; and that the ~Worm~0 contained essentially Oil of Cheno- podium 0.72 percent by volume, chloroform 0.56 percent, and a small amount of aromatic oil resembling anise in castor oil. The Special Hog Mineral with ( Yeast and the Special Yeast Minerals Dairy Feeds were accompanied by circu- lars entitled "Maximum Gain By Feeding Black Hawk Special Mineral Feeds" and "Dairy Yeast A Quality Mineral." NATURE OF CHARGE: Special Hog Mineral with Yeast. Misbranding, Section 502 (a), the statement "Blood Purifier" in the labeling of the article was false and misleading since the article would not be efficacious to purify the blood of hogs. Special Yeast Minerals Dairy Feeds. Misbranding, Section 502 (a), cer- tain statements in the labeling of the article were false and misleading. These statements represented and suggested that the article would be efficacious in animals as a diuretic, a blood tonic, a general tonic, a gland activator, altera- tive, and expectorant; that the article would be efficacious to prevent abortion and scours; that it would be efficacious in the treatment of intestinal disorders and in the prevention and treatment of shy breeding, anemia, and lump jaw; that it would increase the amount and duration of milk production; that it would produce better health, better calves, and better digestion of feed; and that it would tone up run-down animals. The article would not be efficacious for the purposes represented. Ironated Hog Liquid. Misbranding, Section 502 (a), certain label state- ments were false and misleading. These statements represented and suggested that the article contained an amount of iron which would contribute in an important respect to the needs of hogs, and that it would be efficacious in the control of hog scours, in the treatment of run-down hogs, and as a tonic for slow growing, unthrifty pigs. The article contained an insignificant amount of iron and would not be efficacious for the purposes represented. Further mis- branding, Section 502 (b) (2), the label of the article bore no statement of the quantity of the contents. Worm-O. Misbranding, Section 502 (a), the label statement "Worm-O To aid the control of Round Worms in Hogs" was false and misleading since the article would not be efficacious to aid in the control of round worms in hogs; and, Section 502 (b) (2), the label of the article bore no statement of the quantity of the contents. Further misbranding, Section 502 (e) (2), the article was not designated solely by a name recognized in an official com- pendium, it was fabricated from two or more ingredients, and its label failed to bear the common or usual name of each active ingredient since it contained chloroform as an active ingredient; and the label did not bear a statement of the quantity or proportion of chloroform contained therein. DISPOSITION : January 12, 1949. Pleas of guilty having been entered, the court imposed a fine of $600 and costs against the corporation and a fine of $20 against the individual.