2063. Misbranding of Kamala-Nicotine Poultry Tablets and Ankala Powder. TJ. S. y. 148 Bottles of Kamala-Nicotine Poultry Tablets and 10 Cases of Anfcala Powder. Decree of condemnation and destruction. (F. D. C. No. 19695. Sample Nos. 19318-H, 19319-H.) LIBEL FILED : April 26,1946, Southern District of Iowa. ALLEGED SHIPMENT : On or about January 3 and April 5, 1945, by the Research Products Corporation, from Kansas City, Mo. PBODTJCT; 148 100-tablet bottles of Kamala-Nicotine Poultry Tablets and 10 cases, each containing 6 5-pound cans, of AnJcala Powder at Des Moines, Iowa. Analyses disclosed that the Kamala-Nicotine Poultry Tablets consisted | of nicotine sulfate, kamala extract, calomel, and probably a kaolin base; and " that the Ankala Powder consisted essentially of sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate, sodium chloride, carbolic acid, phenolphtbalein. and copper fate, together with a color. NATURE OF CHARGE: KamalOr'Nicotine Poultry Taolets. Misbranding, Sectioil 502 (a), the name of the article "Kamala-Nicotine Poultry Tablets" was m ' y leading, since the article was designated by a name which included and sue gested the name of two, but not all, of its ingredients, and it failed to indieajL the presence therein of calomel, a potent drug; and, Section 502 (f) (i)) ^y labeling of the article failed to bear adequate directions for use, since thi directions which appeared on the label were not adequate in that the label failed to reveal the purpose for following those directions. Ankala Powder. Misbranding. Section 502 (f) (1), the labeling of article failed to bear adequate directions for use, since the directions whic^, appeared on the label were not adequate in that the label failed to reveal the purpose for following those directions; and. Section 502 (i), the conl tainer of the article was so filled as to be misleading, since the powder ocl cupied only approximately 69 percent of the capacity of the can. DISPOSITION: July 16, 1946. The sole intervener having withdrawn his clair judgment of condemnation was entered and the products were ordered de-i stroyed.