2062. Misbranding of B-I-F Combination. U. S. v. 39 Cartons of B-I-F Com bination (and 1 otber seizure action against B-I-F Combination). De- fault decrees of condemnation and destruction. (F. D. C. Nos. 19962, 20236. Sample Nos. 156-H, 41900-H.) LIBELS FILED: May 28 and June 13, 1946, Southern District of Florida and Eastern District of North Carolina. t ALLEGED SHIPMENT : On or about October 19, 1945, and February 25 and March 8,1946, by W. C. Hughes & Co., Inc., from Baltimore, Md. PRODUCT : B-I-F ComUnation. 39 cartons, each containing 2 bottles, at Tampa, Fla., and 41 cartons, each containing 2 bottles, at Wilmington, N. C. One of the bottles in each of the cartons contained an emulsion, and the other bottle contained an injection preparation. LABEL, m PAST: (Carton) "B-I-F Combination Emulsion contains: Balsam Copaiba Oil Cassia, U. S. P. Potassium Hydroxide, U. S. P. Powdered Acacia, U. S. P. Sugar Glycerin, U. S. P. Injection contains: Zinc Acetate, U. S. P. Carbolic Acid, U. S. P. Glycerin, U. S. P. Caramel"; (both bottles) "Purchasers wishing to avoid attention in the use of this article, are advised to place the bottle in water a few moments after which this label can readily be removed"; (leaflet enclosed in some cartons) "B-I-F Combination An Emulsion (For Internal Use) An Injection (With Syringe) Directions Shake the bottle containing the Injection which is red, fill the syringe full, and inject the contents slowly into the urinal passage, holding the syringe in the right hand. Allow the medicine to remain 20 to 30 seconds. The Emulsion, which is white, should be taken internally three times a day, before meals, in teaspoonful doses, in the morning on arising, at noon and at bedtime. The injection should be used about the same time, and always after passing water." NATURE OF CHARGE: Misbranding, Section 502 (a), the labeling of the article was false and misleading since it represented and created the impression that the article, when taken as directed, would be effective in the treatment of gonorrhea, whereas the article would not be effective for such purpose; and, Section 502 (f) (1), the labeling of the portion of the article which did not contain the leaflet failed to bear adequate directions for use. DISPOSITION: August 7 and November 25, 1946. No claimant having apeared, judgments of condemnation were entered and the product was ordered destroyed.