1874. Misbranding of Poland Water. U. S. v. 900 Bottles of Poland Water and 200 Booklets. Consent decree of condemnation. Product ordered re- leased under bond. (F. D. C. No. 17745. Sample No. 2935-H.) LIBEL FILED: October 4, 1945, District of Columbia. PRODUCT : 300 ?-gallon bottles, 400 1-quart bottles, and 200 12-ounce bottles of Poland Water, offered for sale by, Magruder, Inc., at Washington, D. C, to- gether with 200 accompanying booklets entitled "Let Me Tell You What Poland Water Can Do For You." Examination showed that the product was a slightly mineralized water. NATURE OF CHARGE: Misbranding, Section 502 (a), certain statements and de- signs in the booklets were false and misleading since they represented and suggested that the article would be effective in the treatment of illness regarded as incurable, pain due to gravel (uric acid calculi), stiffness of joints, kidney and bladder troubles, heart trouble, artery and kidney changes, dyspeptic troubles, any disease accompanied by hardening of tissue, scanty secretion of the kidneys, stomach ailments and digestive trouble, hepatic and renal calculi, sluggish bowel action, headache, depression, nausea, difficulties in- volving the functioning of the kidneys, prostate gland, or urinary passages, and albuminuria of pregnancy. The labeling further represented and suggested that the article would speed recovery in many diseases, from colds to pneu- monia; that it would keep the kidneys, lungs, and pores eflicient; that it would enable one to know the thrill of being fully alive, keen, alert, and ready for strenuous problems; that it would supply liquid energy; that it would assure that vital food elements would be carried to the cells; that it would insure better assimilation and elimination; that it would help the blood to repair body damage; that it would normalize the colon; and that it was an answer to health problems and would be effective to maintain health. The article would not be effective for such purposes. DISPOSITION: October 25, 1945. Hiram Ricker & Sons, Poland Springs, Maine, claimant, having consented to the entry of a decree, judgment of condemnation was entered and the product was ordered released under bond to be brought into compliance with the law under the supervision of the Food and Drug Administration.