1570. Adulteration of Amylofene and Ephedrine Capsules. U. S. v. First Texas Chemical Manufacturing Co. Plea of not guilty. Tried to the court; verdict of guilty. Fine, $50. (F. D. C. No. 14265. Sample Nos. 61004-F, 61139-F.) INFORMATION FILED : March 7,1945, Northern District of Texas, against the First Texas Chemical Manufacturing Co., a corporation, Dallas, Tex. ALLEGED SHIPMENT : On or about July 17, 1942, and February 7, 1944, from the State of Texas into the State of Louisiana. ?See also Nos. 1552,1564,1567. * * * Ephedrine Sulphate ? gr." NATURE OF CHARGE: Adulteration, Section 501 (c), the strength of the article differed from that which it was represented to possess, since it was repre- sented to contain ? grain of amylafene and ? grain of. ephedrine sulfate per capsule, whereas it contained, in one lot, not less than 0.856 grain (? grain) of amylofene and not less than 0.432 grain (? grain) of ephedrine sulfate per capsule; and it contained, in the remaining lot, not less than 0.876 grain (- grain) of amylofene and not less 0.435 grain (? grain) of ephedrine sulfate per capsule. DISPOSITION : June 18,1945. A plea of not guilty having been entered, the case came on for trial before the court. At the conclusion of the testimony and argu- ments of counsel, the defendant was found guilty and a fine of $50 was imposed.