1319. Adulteration of Phenarsine Hydrochloride with Sterile Distilled Water. V. S. v. 40 Packages of Phenarsine Hydrochloride with Sterile Distilled Water. Default de- cree of condemnation and destruction. (F. D. O. No. 11831. Sample No. 76110-F.) On or about February 16, 1944, the United States attorney for the District of Connecticut filed a libel against 40 combination packages of the above- named product at New Haven, Conn., alleging that the article had been shipped on or about January 26, 1944, by the Winthrop Chemical Co., Inc., from New York, N. Y.; and charging that it was adulterated. ' The article was alleged to be adulterated in that it purported to be and was represented as a drug, "Sterilized Distilled Water," and "Water for Injection," the names of which are recognized in the United States Pharma- copoeia, an official compendium, but its quality and purity fell below the official standard since the article was contaminated with undissolved material. On March 25, 1944, no claimant having appeared, judgment of condemna- tion was entered and the product was ordered destroyed.