1277. Misbranding: of Detoxyl Tablets. U. S. v. 12 Packages of Detoxyl Tablets, and a number of booklets and leaflets. Default decree of condemnation and destruction. (F. D. C. No. 11986. Sample No. 67412-F.) On March 10, 1944, the United States attorney for the Northern District of Ohio filed a libel against 12 packages of Detoxyl Tablets and a number of booklets and leaflets entitled "Autopathic Detoxyl Treatment," "Autopathic Instructions," and "Detoxication, Elimination Nutrition, Why Detoxyl," at Cleveland, Ohio, alleging that the tablets and the booklets and leaflets had been shipped on or about the last week in January 1944, by E. R. Moras, M. D., Highland Park, 111.; and charging that the tablets were misbranded. Examination disclosed that the tablets consisted essentially of sodium citrate, calcium glycerophosphate, calcium carbonate, and a small amount of talc. The tablets were alleged to be misbranded because of false and misleading statements in the booklets and leaflets which represented, suggested, and implied that the article would be effective in the treatment of arthritis, asthma, abscessed tooth, acidosis, anemia, abscess of the appendix, appendicitis, bowels, blood pres- sure, biliousness, adenoids, Bright's disease, blood poisoning, bronchitis, change of life, constipation, consumption, congestion of the lungs, flu, head, heart, hemor- rhoids, milk-leg, nephritis, nose peritonitis, stomach trouble, spasm, sex organs, stone in kidney, St. Vitus's dance, toxins, uterine tumor, weak bladder, colds, colitis, chicken pox, chronic ailments, cystitis, catarrh, diarrhea, diphtheria, diabetes, defense in epidemics, eczema, ear abscess, epilepsy, fevers in adults and children, general debility, gastritis, gall-bladder trouble, headaches and many other aches, hemorrhages, hay fever, high blood pressure, ill-nourished people, indigestion, influenza, inflammation of the bladder, infantile paralysis, liver complaints, malnutrition, measles, any illness, neuritis, nervous ailments and breakdown, nausea and vomiting of pregnancy, neuralgias, over-acidity, obesity, over-weight, over-fat people, piles, pellagra, pneumonia, pleurisy, detoxication and elimination, rheumatic fever, rheumatism, sciatica, skin disease, stroke, septi- cemia, scarlet fever, sinus troubles, typhoid fever, tonsilitis, tuberculosis, under- weight, ulcers of the stomach, whooping cough, arteriosclerosis, hardening of the arteries, and advancing old age. The article was alleged to be further misbranded because of false and mis- leading statements appearing on the carton which represented and suggested that the product was effective as an aid to detoxication, elimination, and nutri- tion ; and in that it was fabricated from two or more ingredients and its label failed to bear the common or usual name of each active ingredient. On June 19, 1944, no claimant having appeared, judgment of condemnation was entered and the tablets and aforesaid printed matter were ordered destroyed.