1144. Misbranding of calf meal. U. S. v. Frank E. Moore and L. Virginia Moore (Hilltop Farm Feed Co.). Pleas of guilty. Fine of $20, which included both defendants. (F. D. C. No. 10588. Sample No. 8741-F.) On December 13, 1943, the United States attorney for the District of Minne- sota filed an information against Frank E. Moore and L. Virginia Moore, indi- viduals trading as copartners under the firm name Hilltop Farm Feed Co., at Minneapolis, Minn., alleging shipment on or about March 9, 1943, from the State of Minnesota into the State of Wisconsin of a quantity of calf meal that was misbranded. The article was labeled in part: "Hilltop Calf Meal For raising calves economically without milk. Prevents scours and keeps them growing rapidly * * * Guaranteed analysis Protein not less than 24?. Fat-not less than 4.5? Fiber not over 5?." Analysis of the article showed that it was a feed composed of wheat, corn, oats, soy bean products and other vegetable matter, dry milk, bone meal, salt, limestone, anise, iron oxide, and oils, con- taining not more than 20.94 percent of protein and not more than 3.64 percent fat. The article was alleged to be misbranded in that the statements "For raising calves, prevents scours and keeps them growing rapidly," were false and mis- leading since they represented and suggested that the article would be efficacious in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of scours in calves and would keep calves growing rapidly, whereas it would not be efficacious for such purposes. The article was also alleged to be misbranded under the provisions of the law applicable to foods, as reported in notices of judgment on foods, No. 5687. On December 13, 1943, the defendants having entered pleas of guilty, the court imposed a fine of $20, which included both defendants.