1060. Adulteration and misbranding of ephedrine sulfate. V. S. v. Reuben Seltzer (Success Chemical Co.). Plea of guiltr. Fine, $750. (F. D. C. No. 9618. Sample No. 19062-F.) Analysis of a sample of this product showed that it contained not more than 2.24 grams (2.24 percent) of ephedrine sulfate per 100 cc. On May 18, 1943, the United States attorney for the Eastern District of New York filed an information against Reuben Seltzer, trading as the Success Chemical Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., alleging shipment on or about July 23, 1942, of a quantity of the above-named article from the State of New York into the State of New Jersey. The article was alleged to be adulterated in that it purported to be and was represented as a drug, the name of which, "Solution of Ephedrine Sulfate," is recognized in the National Formulary, an official compendium, but its strength differed from and its quality fell below the standard set forth in that compen- dium since it contained less than 2.8 grams of ephedrine sulphate in each 100 cc, whereas the Formulary provides that "Solution of Ehpedrine Sulfate contains in each 100 cc, not less than 2.8 Gm. * * * of Ephedrine Sulfate"; and its difference in strength and quality from the standard set forth therein was not plainly stated on the label. It was alleged to be misbranded in that the statement "Ephedrine Sulfate N. F. VI A Solution of 3? Ephedrine Sulfate," borne on its label, was false and misleading. On June 17, 1943, the defendant having entered a plea of guilty, the court im- posed a fine of $250 on count 1, and $500 on count 2, a total of $750. *See also Nos. 1054-1056.