803. Misbranding of Ju-Van capsules. TJ. S. v. 292 Boxes of Ju-Van Capsules. Consent decree of condemnation. Product ordered destroyed. (F. D. C. Nos. 1528, 1691, 1847, 1849, 1910. Sample Nos. 90103-D, 4003-E, 4119-E, 4437-E, 4442-E.) Within the period from on or about February 29 to May 5, 1940, the United States attorneys for the Northern District of Illinois and the Eastern District of Michigan filed libels against the following quantities of Ju-Van capsules: 85 boxes at Chicago, 111., 142 boxes at Detroit, Mich., 31 boxes at Flint, Mich., and 13 boxes at Lansing, Mich. The libel against the last-named shipment was amended on May 14,1940, to include an additional 21 boxes of the product. The libels alleged that the article had been shipped in interstate commerce within the period from on or about February 8 to April 20, 1940., by the Mid-West Drug Company, Inc.* from Ft. Wayne, Ind.; and charged that it was misbranded. Examination, of samples of the article showed that in 4 of the 5 shipments the capsules contained 1.5 grains of thyroid of United States Pharmacopoeia potency, and plant material, and that in the fifth shipment they contained thyroid equivalent to 1.3 grains of thyroid of the same potency, together with plant material. The article was alleged to be misbranded in that the statements and designs appearing on the carton labels, "For Overweight Caused by Myxedematous Hypo- thyroidism (Advanced stage of thyroid deficiency) * * * DIRECTIONS: One capsule after each meal and before retiring, or as directed by physician. In the event distress such as nervousness, insomnia, palpitation, or increased pulse develop, decrease number of capsules taken until condition disappears. If these conditions persist, or if any symptoms of excess thyroid activity appear, or when normal weight is approached, discontinue taking capsules. Advisability of treatment should be determined by physician. WARNING: Not to be used by children nor by persons with Heart Defects, Kidney Diseases, Pregnancy, Diabetes, Goiter, Hyperthyroidism, or any disease or affliction other than over- weight as mentioned above," together with further and similar statements con- tained in the circular shipped with the article, were false and misleading in that they created the impression that the article was a safe and appropriate remedy for overweight, whereas it was not such a safe and appropriate remedy for overweight, but was a dangerous drug, and its labeling failed to reveal the material fact that the use of the article might result in harmful consequences to the user. It was alleged to be misbranded further in that it was dangerous to health when used in the dosage or with the frequency or duration prescribed, recom- mended, or suggested in the labeling, "One capsule after 'each meal and before retiring, or as directed by physician." On April 29, 1940, no claim having been entered at that time, judgment of condemnation was entered with respect to 69 boxes of the product located at Chicago, and the product was ordered destroyed. However, on May 1, 1940, the Mid-West Drug Co., Inc., having entered an appearance, an order was entered to vacate the default order and the claimant was given further time to answer. On December 3, 1940, on motion of the claimant, the cases instituted in the Eastern District of Michigan were ordered transferred to the Northern District of Illinois for consolidation with the 2 libels filed in the latter District. On June 23,1943, the claimant having consented to the entry of a decree in the consolidated case, judgment of condemnation was entered and the product was ordered destroyed.