810. Misbranding of Bl-Lets. TT. S. v. 4 Bottles and 5 Bottles of Bi-Lets. De fault decree of condemnation and destruction. (F. D. C. No. 7622. Sample No. 94511-B.) On June 9, 1942, the United States attorney for the Western District of Ken- tucky filed a libel against 4 bottles, each containing 500 capsules, and 5 bottles, each containing 100 capsules, of Bi-Lets, at Paducah, Ky., alleging that the article had been shipped in interstate commerce on or about March 10, 1942, by Bi-Lets, Inc., from Nashville, Tenn. Analysis of a sample showed that the article consisted essentially of calomel, aloe, and bile. The article was alleged to be misbranded (1) in that it was a laxative and its labeling failed to warn that it should not be taken in cases of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, or other symptoms of appendicitis; and (2) in that its labeling failed to warn that frequent or continued use might result in dependence upon laxatives. On September 15, 1942, no claimant having appeared, judgment of condemna- tion was entered and the product was ordered destroyed.