503. Misbranding of Remas Oil of Herbs. TJ. S. v. 38 Bottles of Remas OH of Herbs. Default decree of condemnation and destruction. (P. D. C. No. 3263. Sample No. 33065-E.) On October 21, 1940, the United States attorney for the District of Massa- chusetts filed a libel against 38 bottles of Remas Oil of Herbs at Boston, Mass., alleging that the article had been shipped by the Requa Manufacturing Co. from Brooklyn, N. Y., on or about August 20, 1940; and charging that it was mis- branded. It was labeled in part: "Remas Oil of Herbs (formerly Rheumaster)." Analysis of a sample of the article showed that it consisted of oils such as sassafras oil and the oils of coniferous trees. The article was alleged to be misbranded in that the statements on the bottle label, carton, and in an enclosed circular regarding its efficacy in the treatment of rheumatism or neuritis, were false and misleading since it would not be ef- ficacious for such purposes. On November 25, 1940, no claimant having appeared, judgment of condemna- tion was entered and the product was ordered destroyed.