396. Misbranding of Par-A-Pac reducing pads. U. S. v. 11 Packages of Par-A-Pac Reducing Pack and Natural Heating Pad, 7 Packages of Par-A-Pac Re- ducing Pack, and 10 Packages of Par-A-Pac Natural Heating Pad and Bandage. Default decree of condemnation and destruction. (F. D. C. No. 3198. Sample Nos. 14397-E, 14398-E, 14399-E.) The labeling of these products bore false and misleading representations regard- ing their efficacy in the conditions indicated hereinafter. On October 15, 1940, the United States attorney for the District of New Jersey filed a libel against the above-named products at Ventnor and Atlantic City, N J., alleging that they had been shipped in interstate commerce on or about May 21, 1940. by the Par-A-Pac Co. from New York, N. T.; and charging that they were misbranded. Examination showed that the devices consisted of belts or pads made up of layers of parchment, flannel, and rayon. The articles were alleged to be misbranded in that representations in the label- ing of the reducing belt that it would be efficacious for spot reducing, would reduce the waist line, abdomen, hips, thighs, legs, arms, or shoulders, would be effective ^ to oxidize the superfluous fatty tissues and would slenderize without dieting or exercise; representations in the labeling of the reducing pack that it would be efficacious for spot reducing, would reduce the waist line, abdomen, hips, thighs, t legs, arms, or shoulders, and would help throw off body toxins and waste, and representations in the labeling of the heating pack that it would relieve conges- tion, chest colds, lumbago, arthritis, backache, and muscular soreness, were false and misleading since they would not be efficacious for such purposes. On April 18,1941, no claimant having appeared, judgment of condemnation was entered and the products were ordered destroyed.