FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION NOTICES OF JUDGMENT UNDER THE FEDERAL FOOD, DRUG, AND COSMETIC ACT [Given pursuant to section 705 of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act] 76-140 DRUGS AND DEVICES The cases reported herein were instituted in the United States district courts by the United States attorneys, acting upon reports submitted by direction of the Secretary of Agriculture. GROVER B. HUX, Acting Secretary of Agriculture. Washington, D. C, May &, 1940. Page MIsbranded sedatives, pain relievers, and headache remedies- - , 33 Drugs seized because of deviation from official or own standards or because of substitution. 38 Vitamin preparations. 38 Miscellaneous. 40 Drug seized because of contamination with filth 43 CONTENTS Page Drugs labeled with false and misleading ther- apeutio claims 44 Dr,ugs sold for both human andf veterinary use 47 Veterinary remedies. 48 Drugs in deceptive containers - 60 Nonsterile surgical dressings 52 Prophylactics . 56 Index 61 MISBRANDED SEDATIVES, PAIN RELIEVERS, AND HEADACHE REMEDIES 76. Misbranding: of Caosalin. U. S. v. Amfre Drug: Co., Inc., and Lewis Stern. Pleas of guilty. Fines, $1,400. (F. D. C. No. 94. Sample Nos. 25962-D, 25963-D, 25964-D, 30071-D to 30074-D, incl., 30092-D to 30097-D, incl., 35452-D, 35453-D, 35567-D, 35569-D, 35570-D, 41997-D.) This product consisted of capsules and tablets containing aminopyrine (aminodimethylpyrazolon,) salicylic ethyl ester carbonate, and a sulfonate such as quinolinesulfonate. It would be dangerous to health when used in the dosage or with the frequency prescribed, recommended, and suggested in the labeling. The labeling of 6 of the 7 shipments bore the recommendation that the article be taken in the dosage as directed by the physician, 1 to 2 tablets or capsules 3 times a day, one-half hour before meals. In the seventh ship- ment the labeling in describing the "manner of use" of the article represented that the average dose was 1 capsule or tablet 3 times daily one-half hour before meals and that in severe or chronic cases one should start with 2 capsules or tablets 3 times daily continuing for about a week, then gradually reducing the dosage. On January 30, 1940, the United States attorney for the Southern District of New York filed an information against the Amfre Drug Co., Inc., and Lewis Stern, president of the corporation, alleging shipment by said defend- ants within the period from on or about July 1 to on or about December 27, 1938, from the State of New York into the States of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island, of quantities of Causalin which was mis- branded for the reasons appearing above. 221827?-40- 1 The article was also charged with being adulterated and misbranded in violation of the Food and Drugs Act of 1906, reported in notice of judgment No. 80996, published under that act On January 80, 1940, pleas of guilty having been entered, the court imposed sentences for violation of both acts, the fines against each defendant on the counts charging violation of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act amounting to $700.