209. Cosmetics. (F.D.C. No. 44984. S. No. 35-984 R.) QUANTITY : 55 bundles, 1,760 lb. total, at Brooklyn, N.Y. SHIPPED : The article was delivered on 8-30-60, to a ship pier at Brooklyn, N.Y., for shipment to Iceland. RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION: Inspection showed that the article had been sub- merged in polluted river water. The contamination occurred as a result of a storm on 9-13-60, which flooded the pier at Brooklyn, N.Y., where the article was stored. LIBELED : 10-13-60, E. Dist. N.Y. CHARGE: 601(C)-held under insanitary conditions while in interstate com- merce. DISPOSITION : 1-18-61. Default-destruction. COSMETICS ACTIONABLE BECAUSE OF FALSE AND MISLEADING CLAIMS