156. Misbranding1 of Bonat Cream Shampoo (liquid and paste). TJ. S. v. 11 Bot tles, etc. (F. D. C. No. 24348. Sample Nos. 9161-K, 9162-K.) LIBEL FILED : February 13,1948, District of New Jersey. ALLEGED SHIPMENT: On or about November 3, 1947, by Bonat & Bonat, Inc., from New York, N. Y. PRODUCT: 11 1-quart bottles and 55 8-ounce bottles of Bonat Cream Shampoo (liquid) and 6 1-pound jars and 24 4-ounce jars of Bonat Cream Shampoo (paste) at Newark, N. J. Examination showed that the products were a per- fumed, yellow-colored, soapy liquid or paste containing not more than a trace, if any, of egg. LABEL IN PART : (Bottle) "Bonat Eggoil Liquid Cream Shampoo"; (jar) "Bonat Eggoil Cream Shampoo." NATURE OF CHARGE: Misbranding, Section 602 (a), the following statements in the labeling of the products were false and misleading as applied to products which contained not more than a trace, if any, of egg: (liquid) "Eggoil Con- centrated Liquid Cream Shampoo * * * with Egg" and (paste) "Eggoil Concentrated Cream Shampoo * * * with Egg." DISPOSITION : April 12, 1948. Default decree of condemnation and destruction.